Monday, August 31, 2009

Equipment "Must Haves"

Check out my Top 10 Must Haves for Equipment. Take a look at your facility and see if you need any of these items or need to upgrade what you have. You have a chance to get up to 15% Off if you play the game below by September 11th!

Here is the list. I will break it up in two segments so stay tooned this week! I have given an example of each and No, they are not in a particular order!

1. Vital Signs Monitor--Welch Allyns SPOT LXI (WA450T0-E1)
2. Barrier-Free Exam Table--Midmark's Ritter 223 (Base 223015, Top-varies by color)
3. Scale--Seca (SE763)
4. Procedure Room Light--AIM-50 (A50FL) or AIM-100 (A100FL)
5. Pan Optic Ophthalomoscope--Welch Allyn (11810)

for more info on any of these products, visit

Next 5 will be featured on Wednesday...